June 20-25, 2021

Colocated Events: HOPL IV, ISMM, LCTES, ARRAY, Infer Practitioners, MAPS, PLanQC, PLMW, SOAP, and Tutorials

Happening at 12:47 GMT+00

Click on any event for details and to attend.
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Sunday Morning
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 HOPL IV Sunday Early Afternoon
20:45 - 21:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Sunday Late Afternoon
22:15 - 01:00 GMT+0 HOPL IV Sunday Evening
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Monday Morning
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 IMOP IMOP Tutorial
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 Infer Session 1
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 PLMW Session 1
14:30 - 15:45 GMT+0 ARRAY Session 1 (principles)
14:45 - 16:00 GMT+0 MAPS Keynote
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 ARRAY Session 2 (keynote) and 3 (applications)
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 HOPL IV Monday Early Afternoon
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 PLMW Session 2
17:30 - 19:20 GMT+0 Infer Session 2
17:30 - 18:30 GMT+0 MAPS Session A
19:15 - 20:15 GMT+0 MAPS Session B
20:45 - 23:15 GMT+0 MAPS Session C
20:45 - 21:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Monday Late Afternoon
22:00 - 01:00 GMT+0 PLMW Session 3
22:00 - 23:15 GMT+0 ARRAY Session 4 (short talks)
22:15 - 01:00 GMT+0 HOPL IV Monday Evening
23:45 - 01:00 GMT+0 MAPS Session D
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 Contracts Smart Contracts Security Analysis Tutorial
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Tuesday Morning
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 ISMM Keynote and Session 1
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 LCTES Keynote + Section 1 Measurement
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 PLanQC Session 1
13:00 - 15:45 GMT+0 PLMW Session 4
13:00 - 15:35 GMT+0 SOAP Session 1
14:00 - 16:00 GMT+0 PLDI SRC Poster Session
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 HOPL IV Tuesday Early Afternoon
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 ISMM Session 2
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 LCTES Section 2 Optimization I + Section 3 Analysis I
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 Persist Memory Persistency Tutorial
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 PLanQC Session 2
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 PLMW Session 5
17:30 - 20:15 GMT+0 SOAP Session 2
20:45 - 21:45 GMT+0 HOPL IV Tuesday Late Afternoon
22:00 - 01:00 GMT+0 PLMW Session 6
22:00 - 01:00 GMT+0 SOAP Session 3
22:00 - 00:45 GMT+0 LCTES Section 4. Analysis II + Section 5 Optimization II
22:00 - 23:45 GMT+0 ISMM Session 4
22:00 - 23:15 GMT+0 PLanQC Session 3
22:15 - 01:00 GMT+0 HOPL IV Tuesday Evening
12:30 - 13:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
13:00 - 13:35 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 1A: Concurrent and Distributed Programming
13:00 - 13:35 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 1B: Verification
13:35 - 14:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 1
14:30 - 15:30 GMT+0 PLDI AMA: Kim Hazelwood (Facebook AI Research), Emery Berger (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Michael Carbin (MIT) Q&A
15:30 - 16:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
16:30 - 17:30 GMT+0 Sponsor Industrial Reception
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 2A: Machine Learning
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 2B: Language Design and Programming Models
18:05 - 19:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 2
19:00 - 20:00 GMT+0 Community Opening Reception
00:30 - 01:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
01:00 - 01:35 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 1A: Concurrent and Distributed Programming
01:00 - 01:35 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 1B: Verification
01:35 - 02:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 1
02:30 - 03:30 GMT+0 PLDI AMA: Cristina Cifuentes (Oracle Labs), June Andronick (Proofcraft, UNSW and seL4 Foundation) Q&A
03:30 - 04:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
04:30 - 05:30 GMT+0 PLDI AMA: James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington), Sriram Rajamani (MSR India) Q&A
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 2A: Machine Learning
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 2B: Language Design and Programming Models
06:05 - 07:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 2
07:00 - 08:00 GMT+0 Community Opening Reception
12:30 - 13:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
13:00 - 13:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 3A: Program Analysis and Synthesis
13:00 - 13:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 3B: Architectures and Systems
13:40 - 14:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 3
14:30 - 15:30 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Alex Aiken (Stanford) Q&A
15:30 - 16:30 GMT+0 Sponsor Google: Join us for a Q&A session
15:30 - 16:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
16:00 - 17:00 GMT+0 Community CARES: Building Inclusive Research Environments
16:00 - 16:30 GMT+0 Sponsor Oracle: Chat with Guy Steele
16:15 - 17:30 GMT+0 PLDI SRC Finalist Technical Talks Q&A
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 4A: Program Analysis and Synthesis
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 4B: Concurrency, Compilation, and Debugging
18:05 - 19:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 4
19:00 - 20:15 GMT+0 Community PLDI Business Meeting
00:30 - 01:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
01:00 - 01:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 3A: Program Analysis and Synthesis
01:00 - 01:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 3B: Architectures and Systems
01:40 - 02:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 3
02:30 - 03:30 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Alex Aiken (Stanford)
03:30 - 04:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
04:00 - 05:00 GMT+0 Community CARES: Building Inclusive Research Environments
04:15 - 05:30 GMT+0 PLDI SRC Finalist Technical Talks
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 4A: Program Analysis and Synthesis
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 4B: Concurrency, Compilation, and Debugging
06:05 - 07:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 4
07:00 - 08:15 GMT+0 Community PLDI Business Meeting
12:30 - 13:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
13:00 - 13:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 5A: Machine Learning and Probabilistic Programming
13:00 - 13:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 5B: Defect Detection and Repair
13:40 - 14:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 5
14:30 - 15:30 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Michelle Strout (HPE and University of Arizona) Q&A
15:30 - 16:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
16:00 - 16:30 GMT+0 Sponsor Oracle: Chat with Guy Steele
16:30 - 17:30 GMT+0 PLDI AMA: Madan Musuvathi (MSR), Philippa Gardner (Imperial College London), Rustan Leino (Amazon) Q&A
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 6A: Language Implementation
17:30 - 18:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 6B: Applied Logics and Semantics
18:05 - 19:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 6
19:00 - 20:00 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Robin Milner Young Researcher Award Q&A
00:30 - 01:00 GMT+0 Community PLTea
01:00 - 01:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 5A: Machine Learning and Probabilistic Programming
01:00 - 01:40 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 5B: Defect Detection and Repair
01:40 - 02:30 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 5
02:30 - 03:30 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Michelle Strout (HPE and University of Arizona)
03:30 - 04:30 GMT+0 Community PLTea
04:30 - 05:30 GMT+0 PLDI AMA: Sukyoung Ryu (KAIST), Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore) Q&A
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 6A: Language Implementation
05:30 - 06:05 GMT+0 PLDI Talks 6B: Applied Logics and Semantics
06:05 - 07:00 GMT+0 PLDI Poster Session 6
07:00 - 08:00 GMT+0 PLDI Invited Talk: Robin Milner Young Researcher Award

Getting Started

  1. We recommend the latest Chrome, Firefox, or Brave for browsing. Javascript must be enabled.
  2. Set your local timezone:
  3. Join Slack & Gather via our Step-by-Step Instructions.
    Or TL;DR:
    • Click Join Slack and select "Sign in with PLDI 2021". Use the same email address and password as for this website, and update your Slack profile's display name to be your full name and affiliation.
    • Click Join Gather and follow the instructions for generating a magic sign-on link using the same email address as for this website.
    After completing these steps, you can access Slack and Gather by clicking any #Slack or  Gather button on our site.
  4. Watch our videos below on how to participate in and enjoy PLDI.

A Message from the General Chair

How to PLDI: Website, Slack, and Gather

Pure Implementation

Welcome to PLDI 2021!

We hope you will enjoy the many activities happening this week. Please follow the Getting Started instructions above to ensure you are able to participate in all of them.

You can navigate to everything the week has to offer through the top menu bar. We recommend beginning with the Schedule for an overview of the week.

PLDI Technical Conference. The main PLDI conference will occur June 23-25 and features three invited keynotes, over eighty technical paper talks, poster sessions, and AMAs. See the Featured and Papers pages for details. The Papers page offers a variety of ways to browse the PLDI papers. Each paper has its own page, featuring one or more video presentations, and a Slack channel to directly engage with the authors.

The PLDI technical papers sessions consist of parallel tracks of five-minute talks shown on video streams PLDI-A and PLDI-B, followed by a poster session in Gather for Q&A and in-depth discussion with the authors from all the papers in the session. Each paper's page includes the times that it will be featured in technical session video streams and poster sessions. All other PLDI technical events will be streamed to PLDI-A.

PLDI's days will be mirrored twelve hours after their first occurence. We’ll replay the talks and hold the poster sessions for a second time, providing another opportunity to enjoy post-talk discussions with the authors and other attendees. Some events, such as the AMAs, will be held live during the mirrored days.

Colocated Events. A variety of other conferences, workshops, and tutorials will take place June 20-22. Our Colocated events page provides the full details for each event, including its video stream, dedicated Slack channel, schedule, and any pre-recorded content.

Community. The week will also feature a number of Community activities, including moderated, small-group discussions in PL Tea, a self-serve mentoring channel for matching mentors and mentees during the conference, a CARES-led discussion on inclusivity, various other social events. Our Gather virtual conference center will open 24 hours a day for meetups and socializing.

Sponsors. Finally, make sure to visit the Sponsors section for information about our sponsors.

Engagement. We have designed our virtual platform and program to provide many different types of opportunities for participation, be it attending events in our live streams, or replaying them afterwards, chatting asynchronously in Slack, or attending poster sessions and meeting others in Gather. Best wishes for a week of learning new ideas, connecting with old colleagues and new, and engaging with the entire PLDI community.

Getting Help
  • For technical difficulties, please contact #helpdesk in Slack.
  • If you cannot access Slack, send email. Use Slack if possible, as email may not be answered as quickly.
  • If you encounter or witness inappropriate conduct, please see our Code of Conduct page for steps to take.